Tonight is Halloween!
Halloween is also known as All Hallows' Eve (la víspera de todos los santos). It is a yearly celebration on October 31.

It is celebrated all over the world.
Children wear scary costumes and go trick or treating. They also decorate houses, streets and schools, carve pumpikns into Jack-o'-lanterns, light bonfires, visit haunted attractions, tell scary stories, and so on.


There's a very useful app to practise spelling. It's Sounds by MacMillan. You can download it free for both iOS and Android.

As MacMillan says, it's the ultimate mobile English pronunciation aid, for students and teachers. [...] it helps you study, practise and play with pronunciation wherever you are.


are very healthy?

It's very important to have a healthy life. And fruits and vegetables are necessary if we want to be healthy.

Today, at school, we all ate an apple in the playtime, thanks to the AMPA.

You kown, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.


...remain underground during the day to avoid being caught by predators?

They are small animals. They have got tails which are shorter than their bodies length. They also have got small ears, short legs and wide feet. We can find different fur colours in them: black, grey, white, brown, yellow, red, or a mix, depending on the species.
They can measure from 5 cm to 34 cm.
Hamsters are omnivores and they usually eat seeds, fruits, vegetation and insects.
They tend to sleep during the day and awake at night.
They like playing and running at the wheel-running.


We can sometimes find differences between UK and US spelling.
Here you are some examples.


Next 16th October is World Food Day

The theme for World Food Day 2013 is Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition.         

Hunger is a major issue in the world, with many people who can not eat enough to live a healthy life. So, it is important to raise awareness.

For this reason, in this day, join the global movement to end hunger. 

What can we do? You can be a part of the solution taking action in your community and around the world. A little bit of each one is much at the end.

Here you are some ideas to do:
  • Host a World Food Day meal.
  • Organize a food packaging event.
  • Walk to end hunger.
  • Grow a garden.
  • Volunteer your time.



The Present Continuous is formed by the Present Simple of the verb to be followed by a verb ending in -ing.
El Presente Continuo se forma con el presente del verbo to be seguido de un verbo terminado en –ing

        I am reading a book.         Yo estoy leyendo un libro.
        She is eating a banana.      Ella está comiendo un plátano.   

It is used to express actions that are happening right now.
Se usa para expresar acciones que están ocuriendo justo en este momento.

        What are you doing?          ¿Qué estás haciendo?
        I’m drawing.                     Estoy dibujando.

It is used to express actions that are happening now or in a period of time.
Se usa para expresar acciones que están sucediendo ahora o en un periodo de tiempo.

        What are you reading?               ¿Qué lees?
        I’m reading a funny story.          Estoy leyendo una historia divertida.

And it is used to express future plans.
Y se usa para expresar planes futuros.

        I’m playing tennis this afternoon.            Esta tarde voy a jugar al tenis.