...can weigh up to 590 kg? 
They can live up to 100 years! 
Female sea turtles return to land to nest at night. They usually return to the beach where they were born. Using their flippers they dig a big hole to lay the eggs in. They lay around 50 to 200 eggs. After laying they re-fills the hole with sand. Then, they return to the ocean and leave the eggs untended.
When the babies (called hatchlings) break the shell they have a long way to the ocean, and they have to escape from predators. If they are born at night they have more opportunities of surviving. But in the ocean there are also predators. The sea turtles which reach adulthood have to solve other problems  cuased by humans, like nets, plastic, water pollution and so on. No more than 1% can become adults.
Watch the following video to learn more about sea turtles.



They are indefinite articles. We use them to talk about things in general that the speaker/listener doesn’t know.
Son artículos indeterminados. Los usamos para hablar de cosas en general de las que no sabemos nada. 

            I have got a car. (we don’t know exactly which car is it).
                                                       (no sabemos qué coche en concreto es).

We use a or an with singular countable nouns only.
Se usa a/an delante de sustantivos contables en singular.

            a banana                   an apple

If the noun begins with a consonant we use a. If the name begins with a vowel we use an.
Cuando el sustantivo empieza por consonante usamos a. Si empieza por vocal usamos an.


We use one when we talk about different amounts.
Usamos one cuando hablamos de cantidades.

            There are three tables and one chair.


It is the definite article. We use it to talk about specific things we know.
Es el artículo definido. Lo usamos para hablar de cosas específicas que conocemos.

            The black cat is next to me. (it’s the black cat and not another).
                                                     (es el gato negro y no otro gato).

We use the with countable nouns (singular and plural) and uncountable nouns.
Usamos the con nombres contables (en singular y plural) y con nombres incontables.

            Look at the car, it’s on the grass.

No article

When we talk about things in general, we use uncountable or plural nouns without a/an or the.
Cuando hablamos sobre cosas en general, usamos nombre incontables o nombres en plural sin a/an o the.

            I love pizza. Elephants live in the savanna.