...can weigh up to 590 kg? 
They can live up to 100 years! 
Female sea turtles return to land to nest at night. They usually return to the beach where they were born. Using their flippers they dig a big hole to lay the eggs in. They lay around 50 to 200 eggs. After laying they re-fills the hole with sand. Then, they return to the ocean and leave the eggs untended.
When the babies (called hatchlings) break the shell they have a long way to the ocean, and they have to escape from predators. If they are born at night they have more opportunities of surviving. But in the ocean there are also predators. The sea turtles which reach adulthood have to solve other problems  cuased by humans, like nets, plastic, water pollution and so on. No more than 1% can become adults.
Watch the following video to learn more about sea turtles.

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