Verb to HAVE GOT – Present Simple

The verb to have got means tener in Spanish.
El verbo to have got significa tener en español. 

        She has got a pencil.          Ella tiene un lápiz.
        They have got a red car.    Ellos tienen un coche rojo.  

Long form
Short form
I have got a hat.
I’ve got a hat.
You have got a hat.
You’ve got a hat.
He has got a hat.
He’s got a hat.
She has got a hat.
She’s got a hat.
It has got a hat.
It’s got a hat.
We have got a hat.
We’ve got a hat.
You have got a hat.
Youve got a hat.
They have got a hat.
Theyve got a hat.

Long form
Short form
I have not got a hat.
I haven’t got a hat.
You have not got a hat.
You haven’t got a hat.
He has not got a hat.
He hasn’t got a hat.
She has not got a hat.
She hasn’t got a hat.
It has not got a hat.
It hasn’t got a hat.
We have not got a hat.
We haven’t got a hat.
You have not got a hat.
You haven’t got a hat.
They have not got a hat.
They haven’t got a hat.

Short answers
Have I got a hat?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
Have you got a hat?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
Has he got a hat?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
Has she got a hat?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
Has it got a hat?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
Have we got a hat?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
Have you got a hat?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
Have they got a hat?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.



...consists of the Sun and the planetary system that orbit around it. It is not only the planets but also the moons and other non-stellar objects, like comets, asteroids, minor planets and dust and gas.
The planetary system consists of eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The smallest planet is Mercury, and the biggest is Jupiter.

The only planet where life exists is Earth.

Watch the video to learn more.

Click here to learn more:



Verb TO BE – Present Simple

The verb to be means ser and estar in Spanish.
El verbo to be significa  ser y estar en español. 

        He is a teacher.                   Él es profesor.
        The elephant is in the park.   El elefante está en el parque.     

Long form
Short form
I am a boy.
I’m a boy.
You are a boy.
You’re a boy.
He is a boy.
He’s a boy.
She is a boy.
She’s a boy.
It is a boy.
It’s a boy.
We are a boy.
We’re a boy.
You are a boy.
You’re a boy.
They are a boy.
They’re a boy.

Long form
Short form
I am not a boy.
I’m not a boy.
You are not a boy.
You aren’t a boy.
He is not a boy.
He isn’t a boy.
She is not a boy.
She isn’t a boy.
It is not a boy.
It isn’t a boy.
We are not a boy.
We aren’t a boy.
You are not a boy.
You aren’t a boy.
They are not a boy.
They aren’t a boy.

Short answers
Am I a boy?
Yes, I am. or No, I’m not.
Are you a boy?
Yes, I am. or No, I’m not.
Is he a boy?
Yes, he is. or No, he isn’t.
Is she a boy?
Yes, she is. or No, she isn’t.
Is it a boy?
Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t.
Are we a boy?
Yes, we are. or No, we aren’t.
Are you a boy?
Yes, we are. or No, we aren’t.
Are they a boy?
Yes, they are. or No, they aren’t.

It is used in English to express age.
Se usa en inglés para expresar la edad. 

        I’m ten years old.
        Peter is thirteen years old.



...on Earth is the Mount Everest in the Himalayas. 

The Mount Everest.

The Himalayas is a mountain range placed in Asia. The Himalayan range is home of the highest peaks on Earth, being the Mount Everest the highest one. 

The Himalaya,

The Himalayas include over a hundred mountains exceeding 7,200 metres in heigh. They also include some of the eight-thousanders, that is, the mountains that are more than 8,000 metres high above sea level.

The eight-thousanders.

The Mount Everest is 8,848 metres high. By contrast, the highest peak outside Asia, Aconcagua, in the Andes, is 6,961 metres high. So, the Mount Everest is higher than the Mount Aconcagua. 


Adjectives II – Making Comparisons

Comparatives and Superlatives are special forms of adjectives. They are used to compare two or more things.
El grado comparativo y el grado superlativo son formas especiales de adjetivos. Se usan para comparar dos cosas o más cosas. 

To form the comparative we use than after an adjective. To form the superlative we use the before an adjective.
Para formar el grado comparativo usamos than después del adjetivo. Para formar el grado superlativo usamos the antes del adjetivo. 

            The Mount Everest is higher than the Mount Aconcagua.
            The Mount Everes is the highest mountain on Earth.
Generally, comparatives are formed using –er and superlatives are formed using –est.
Normalmente, el comparativo se forma usando –er y el superlativo se forma usando –est.

One-syllable adjectives form the comparative by adding the suffix –er and the superlative by adding the suffix –est  to the adjective.
Los adjetivos de una sílaba forman el comparativo añadiendo al adjetivo el sufijo –er y el superlativo añadiendo el sufijo –est. 

            tall                             taller                          tallest
            long                            longer                        longest
            cold                            colder                        coldest

With one-syllable adjectives that end in a vowel followed by a consonant, we must double the consonant and add the suffixes –er for the comparative and –est for the superlative. 
Con los adjetivos de una sílaba que terminan en una vocal seguida de consonante, debemos duplicar la consonante y añadir los sufijos –er para el comparativo y –est para el superlativo.

   fat                              fatter                          fattest
            big                              bigger                          biggest
            hot                              hotter                         hottest

If the adjectives of one or two syllables end in a consonant + y, we usually change the y for an i and add –er/–est.
Si los adjetivos de una o dos sílabas terminan en una consonante seguida de y, normalmente cambiamos la y por una i y añadimos –er/–est.

            happy                         happier                      happiest
            funny                          funnier                       funniest

With most two-syllables adjectives we use the words more and most for the comparative and superlative respectively.
Con la mayoría de los adjetivos de dos sílabas usamos las palabras more y most para el comparativo y el superlativo respectivamente.
            boring                        more boring                most boring

With adjectives of three or more syllables we always use more and most.
Con los adjetivos de tres y más sílabas siempre usamos more y most.

            beautiful                     more beautiful          most beautiful
            interesting                   more interesting        most interesting

There are some irregular adjectives, for example:
Hay algunos adjetivos irregulares, por ejemplo:

            good                          better (than)              (the) best
            bad                            worse (than)              (the) worst


Adjectives I

We use adjectives to describe nouns and pronouns (things, places, people, feelings…).
Usamos los adjetivos para describir nombres o pronombres (cosas, lugares, personas, sentimientos, etc.). 

            I have got a new bike. It’s red and small.
            He’s tall and thin.
Adjectives have the same form for the singular and the plural. We don’t write an –s to describe plural nouns.
Tienen la misma forma para el singular y el plural. Para describir nombres en plural no hay que escribir una –s al final.

            a black sofa                          some black sofas

You can write an adjective in different positions:
Se puede escribir un adjetivo en diferentes posiciones:
- before a noun.                        - after the verb to be or look, seem or feel.
  delante de un nombre.                               detrás del verbo ser o parecer o sentir.

       She’s a beautiful woman.                  She is beautiful.
       I’ve got blue eyes.                           He feels sad.


Do you know the water is constantly moving? 
Maybe you may think that every drop of rain that falls from the sky, or each glass of water you drink is brand new, but in fact it has always been here and is a constant part of The Water Cycle!

Look at the picture below to learn more about The Water Cycle.