Verb to HAVE GOT – Present Simple

The verb to have got means tener in Spanish.
El verbo to have got significa tener en español. 

        She has got a pencil.          Ella tiene un lápiz.
        They have got a red car.    Ellos tienen un coche rojo.  

Long form
Short form
I have got a hat.
I’ve got a hat.
You have got a hat.
You’ve got a hat.
He has got a hat.
He’s got a hat.
She has got a hat.
She’s got a hat.
It has got a hat.
It’s got a hat.
We have got a hat.
We’ve got a hat.
You have got a hat.
Youve got a hat.
They have got a hat.
Theyve got a hat.

Long form
Short form
I have not got a hat.
I haven’t got a hat.
You have not got a hat.
You haven’t got a hat.
He has not got a hat.
He hasn’t got a hat.
She has not got a hat.
She hasn’t got a hat.
It has not got a hat.
It hasn’t got a hat.
We have not got a hat.
We haven’t got a hat.
You have not got a hat.
You haven’t got a hat.
They have not got a hat.
They haven’t got a hat.

Short answers
Have I got a hat?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
Have you got a hat?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
Has he got a hat?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
Has she got a hat?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
Has it got a hat?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
Have we got a hat?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
Have you got a hat?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
Have they got a hat?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.


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