Or a Mo Bro?  

Welcome to Movember!!!
Movember is the contraction of moustache (bigote) and November in English.
It's a annual event that takes place during November involving the growing of moustaches during that month to raise awareness of men's health issues (prostate cancer and other male cancers).
Movember Foundation is one of the Top 100 NGOs (non-goverment organization) in the world. They organize events around the world to raise funds for research men's health issues.
It has spread from Australia to South Africa, Europe and North America. 

The origins of  Movember are in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1999, where a group of young men coined the term and the idea of growing moustaches for charity throughout the month of November. The group started 80 men and soon became a nation wide phenomenon.
Since then, the Movember Foundation has raised $174 million worldwide. Last year, 2012, 1.1 million people signed up to participate.
Do you want to join them? Click here for more information.



- 1 egg.
- 200g butter.
- 350g flour.
- 100g vanilla sugar.

Preparation method:
1. Mix the butter and the vanilla sugar.
2. Add the egg and mix.
3. Add the flour (sift) and mix.
4. Put the mixture into the fridge for 1 or 2 hours.
5. Preheat the oven to 170ºC.
6. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface work and roll out to a thickness of about 0.5cm.
7. Shape the biscuits with a pastry cutter.
8. Bake the biscuits for about 20 minutes.


We are going to start learning cooking. 
Before starting we need to know some important things.

Different ingredients like fruit,
or a variety of products:

And you need different supplies for cooking:
And here you are some verbs you can use:

And remember, try to avoid fast food!